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We have become increasingly aware that there is nothing locally for children and adults who wish to enjoy the experience of riding Cross Country.  


All local courses have very big fences and are not suitable for beginners and novice riders to ride in a safe and controlled environment.


We intend to provide local children and adults with the opportunity to try cross country at Ghyll Park Equestrian. The fences would be a height of 30 cm to 68 cm. There is a former cross country course on the premises but we will be reinstating the fences to suit the local shortfall.


Local businesses can now sponsor the building of a cross country fence for just £200 and have it named after your company - sponsorship of this type has an effective awareness appreciation amongst the equestrian community.


If you would like to make this an ongoing sponsorship, an annual subscription of £50 will pay for the upkeep of your fence . Sponsorship ‘year’ begins 30th June and annually thereafter.


Alternatively if you have the ability and equipment to build a fence designed by Ghyll Park Equestrian we would name the fence after you and we would just ask for a donation of £50.


If you are interested in sponsoring a fence please contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

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